
Pedestrian Killed in Chicago Crash with Pickup Truck

The time of year does not have much effect on the presence of pedestrian traffic in Chicago. While the spring and summer months may come with an increase in the number of walkers, pedestrians can be seen hitting the streets in any month, walking to and from work, heading to school, or even running errands.

Pedestrians have many rights and responsibilities under the laws in Illinois and they must follow each of them. Failing to do so may place an individual at risk of a pedestrian accident occurring. But in the majority of accidents between a vehicle and a pedestrian, the vehicle bears some or all of the responsibility. Failing to yield the right-of-way, failing to notice a pedestrian, or driving in an area marked exclusively for pedestrian traffic are just some of the ways drivers are often at fault for a pedestrian collision.

When a driver errs or acts negligently and causes a pedestrian accident, the victims of that crash may be entitled to relief for the damages they sustain. Often, damages include incurred expenses like medical and surgical bills as well as other damages like pain and suffering endured. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who represents pedestrians in Chicago may help you understand whether you have a valid claim for your damages and whether you are entitled to relief.

Police responded to a collision in East Garfield Park on the city’s west side on Tuesday night. When they arrived, they determined that a pickup truck and a pedestrian collided, leaving the pedestrian with critical injuries. Emergency personnel transported the pedestrian, a 33-year-old man, to Mount Sinai Hospital for treatment but his injuries were too severe and he died early Wednesday morning.

At this time, officials believe that the victim was crossing the street near the intersection of Van Buren Street and Pulaski Road when a pickup truck approached the area. The truck was driven by a 38-year-old man who police say did not have a valid license at the time. The truck driver allegedly failed to yield to the pedestrian and caused the collision.

The driver of the truck reportedly received citations for failure to yield, driving on a suspended license, and driving without insurance for his role in the crash.



If you have been injured as a pedestrian in an accident or if your loved one has been killed, make sure you understand your legal rights and whether you are entitled to relief. At Abels & Annes, P.C., we believe that all accident victims deserve the right to answers whenever they need them. To make that a possibility, we keep an experienced lawyer standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to take your call toll free at (855) 529-2442 or locally at (312) 924-7575.

We offer all injury victims a free case consultation without any obligation on the part of the victim. If you prefer to meet with us in person but you are too injured to travel to our offices, we also offer a free in-home or in-hospital consultation regarding your accident and your legal rights. If you have been hurt, do not continue to suffer without relief. Call us today and let us help you get a recovery you deserve.

Prior Blog Entry:

Chicago Adding 20 Miles of Bicycle Lanes in 2014, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published April 7, 2014.


Man dies after being struck by pickup truck on West Side, by Adam Sege, Chicago Tribune, published April 9, 2014.

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