
Chicago motorcycle accidents avoided with spring safety awareness

Along with an increased emphasis on watching for pedestrians and bicyclists, the Chicago motorcycle accident attorneys at Abels & Annes urge motorists to remember to look twice for motorcyclists as the spring riding season gets underway.

More than 100 motorcyclists are killed in Illinois motorcycle accidents each year, according to state and federal statistics. A total of 121 were killed in 2008, the most recent year for which statistics are available.Recently ABATE-Illinois, a non-profit organization dedicated to motorcycle safety and motorcycling rights, delivered 80 Easter baskets to Hope Institute for Children and Families in Springfield, the State Journal-Register reported.

One of Illinois’ first big motorcycle rides each spring, the 21st annual event is a sure sign that springs is here and it’s time to start watching for motorcyclists on the road.

In 2008, a total of 5,290 people were killed and more than 96,000 injured in motorcycle accidents nationwide, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Motorcycle accidents have been on the rise for more than a decade as riding continues to become more popular. The number of registered motorcycles in the United States has increased from less than 4 million in 1998 to more than 7 million today.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation offers a host of safety tips for riders, including equipment checklists, rider-safety information and tips for group riding.

The Foundation also provides tips for car and truck drivers:
-Look for motorcycles, especially at intersections.
-The size of motorcycles makes it difficult to judge speed and distance. Predict a motorcycle is closer than it looks.
-A motorcycle’s size makes it easy to get lost in a vehicle’s blind spots. Take an extra moment to check before changing lanes or turning at intersections.
-Motorcycles often slow by shifting or letting off the throttle, so brake lights are not a good indication. Allow more following distance. Predict they may slow without visual warning.
-Turn signals on motorcycles often do not cancel on their own and may be left on accidentally. Make sure of a motorcycle’s intentions before proceeding.
-Motorcycles often adjust position within a lane to see more clearly, avoid debris, or for other reasons. Don’t crowd a motorcycle — they are entitled to their own lane.
-Stopping distance for motorcycles is nearly the same as for cars. Allow them room.
-Think of a motorcycle in motion as a person — it is just as vulnerable.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, the Illinois motorcycle accident attorneys and the personal injury and wrongful death lawyers at Abels & Annes offer free and confidential appointments to discuss your rights. Call (866) 99-ABELS. There is no fee unless you win.

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