
Forklift Operators are Prone to Injuries in Chicago

No matter what your profession, you should be able to go to work every day without fear that you will be hurt on-the-job. But unfortunately, the reality is far from that ideal as any worker in any industry could be injured while performing his or her duties, whether or not that worker makes a mistake. Some employees are more likely to be injured than others and often it boils down to the profession in which that employee works. Airline workers, nurses, school aids, and assembly line employees are some people who work in riskier fields but one of the biggest categories tends to be construction workers.

Among construction workers and employees in warehouses, forklift operators are at an unusually high risk for harm from the use of a forklift or from an accident. When injuries result, these workers often are left wondering what legal options they possess and whether they have the right to obtain payment for their suffering. Fortunately, it is the right of every injured Chicago worker to obtain legal representation to assist with a case and to pursue all available legal remedies. If you have been hurt on the job, an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer may help you understand if you are entitled to payment while you miss work and whether your employer must pay all of your medical expenses.

A typical Chicago worker may not realize what legal rights she possesses if she is hurt during her employment and therefore may not seek help until it is too late. That is one reason that it is a good idea to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident so that your rights will not be lost due to a lack of action on your part.

But why are forklift accidents so common? In some instances, a lack of training can lead to an accident or otherwise cause an employee harm. Typical examples include an employee who was not properly trained in loading the forklift and who then makes the load top-heavy, leading to a tip-over incident when the forklift begins to move. It is also common that an employer allows the use of a forklift that is in need of maintenance or repair which can put an unsuspecting employee behind the controls of an unreasonably dangerous vehicle. And still in other instances, forklifts may collide with one another, fixed objects, or even pedestrians who happen to be nearby and those collisions can cause injuries.

Regardless of the nature of an accident or the cause behind it, if an employee in Chicago is hurt by a forklift or while operating a forklift, that employee has rights and protections under the law. If you have questions following an incident that you were involved in, know that the personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. are standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call and to offer you a free case consultation without obligation.

At Abels & Annes, P.C., we are dedicated to helping accident victims get the relief they deserve and if you were injured on-the-job, we want to help you, too. Call us today to make sure that you have an advocate on your side and that your rights are protected. We can be reached toll free at (855) 529-2442 or locally at (312) 924-7575.

Prior Blog Entry:

Majority of Americans will Experience Wrong or Delayed Diagnosis in their Lifetimes, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published September 24, 2015.


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