
How Much is My Case Worth?

No one ever thinks that an accident will happen to them or will cause them to be injured but the reality is that people are hurt each and every day of the year in Illinois. As a result of this belief that they will not be harmed, most people are unaware of the process that needs to happen for a personal injury claim in Chicago to be successful and generally are confused about the process from beginning to end.

Personal injury lawyers are consulted with regularity by victims who wish to learn about their legal rights and options following a traffic accident, slip-and-fall, swimming pool incident, or on-the-job injury. At Abels & Annes, P.C., one of the most common questions we get from victims is, “How much is my case worth?”

The issue of value with regard to a personal injury claim is one that is easy to understand. Though victims are not to blame for their injuries, they still must deal with the financial fallout of their accidents and find a way to move forward. Knowing that they are entitled to financial compensation can help ease some of the burden that comes along with their injuries.

However, there is no easy answer to provide when a victim asks about the value of his or her case because each case is unique. Therefore, all factors related to the accident must be weighed, evaluated, and reviewed to determine the strength of a case and what monetary value may be placed on it.

One of the main factors that can go into the value calculation of a personal injury claim is the medical expenses that a victim incurred as a result of her injuries. From bills for an ambulance ride or a hospitalization to follow up physician’s visits and rehabilitative therapy, injuries can be costly and can force those who did nothing wrong to expend money for their own treatment. In most cases, the totality of all medical expenses incurred is reviewed and is one factor that goes into the determination of value when it comes to a claim.

Another factor that is considered in many cases is any time that a victim is forced to miss from work due to his or her injuries. Often, an accident causes those that are hurt to miss at least a minimal amount of time from work. In more serious cases, weeks or months might be missed and may limit the amount of money that a victim would otherwise have earned. This can make it difficult to provide for a family or pay monthly bills while someone is recovering and it can provide a general hardship for those who are affected.

In some cases, the duration of the injuries sustained will factor into the value of the case. An ideal situation has a victim making a full recovery with injuries lasting as nothing more than memories that he or she would rather forget. However, in unfortunate cases, injuries may cause permanent, lasting harm that will affect a victim for years into the future or even for the rest of her life. This extended suffering or permanent harm can contribute to the monetary worth of a case when a victim is injured in the Chicago area.

Nontangible factors should also be considered towards the value of a case and typically include things like pain and suffering, inconvenience, and the overall effect on a victim’s life. If unique factors exists in a case, those should be evaluated as well. For example, if an injury victim is afraid to use stairs after being injured on a negligently maintained stairway, that fear may affect her life in a significant way and may be a factor into the value of a case.

In short, there is no easy answer to give when a victim is looking for the value of his or her case. Multiple issues should be considered and evaluated by someone with extensive experience handling these claims, including a personal injury attorney who works in the Chicago area. Those lawyers can utilize their personal knowledge and combine it with the factors of your accident to help you understand the potential outcome of your case.

If you were injured or if someone you love was hurt in an accident in Illinois, know that you can always call the lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. for help. We offer a free, no-obligation case consultation to those victims who call us toll free at (855) 529-2442 or locally at (312) 924-7575 and we keep a licensed attorney standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

At Abels & Annes, P.C., we only represent injury victims and we never represent insurance companies because we believe in fighting for those who have been harmed and those who need our help. If we can assist you, please call us today so that you can get the relief that you deserve.

Prior Blog Entry:

Asbestos and Mesothelioma Issues in Chicago, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published September 9, 2015.

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