
Halloween Brings Trick-or-Treating to Chicago

For thousands of children in Illinois, Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year. Many kids are excitedly finishing a jack-o-lantern or putting the final touches on their costumes. Others will be having fun at school celebrations or in their neighborhoods tonight. While Halloween is and should be seen as a fun time for kids to enjoy, parents should be aware of some of the more common threats to their young children so that injuries to children and minors can be prevented in Chicago.

  • Be Aware of Your Child’s Costume: Costumes are a big part of Halloween but the outfit your child wear can directly contribute to or limit her safety. Know what your child intends to wear today, whether he will be indoors and outdoors, and make any last minute adjustments necessary to keep your child safe. Consider adding bright colors or reflective patches to costumes, limit masks that obstruct your child’s visibility, and make sure that no trailing portions of your child’s costume will be a hazard that causes them to fall.
  • Stick to Areas You Know: If your child will be trick-or-treating in Chicago, make sure you plan out an acceptable route with her ahead of time and ensure that your child sticks to that route. Only visit homes of those you know, stay in areas with limited traffic threats, and remind your children that dashing across the road is always unacceptable.
  • Only Accept Wrapped Candy: Children, especially the very young, will be excited to get any kind of candy and may try to eat some before you have a chance to look over it. Remind your children that wrapped and sealed candy and treats are the only safe kinds to accept and make sure that they wait until they get home and an adult reviews their haul before they begin to eat their treats.
  • Move with Caution: Whether you will be accompanying children who are trick-or-treating or simply driving or walking in Chicago, be aware of your movements and be extra cautious today. If you are driving a car, be prepared for children of all ages to run out into the street and possibly to ignore traffic signals. If you are walking, make sure you watch for erratic driving of other motorists in the area who may be drunk or otherwise a threat to themselves and others. And if you are walking with a child, make sure the child stays on a sidewalk and only crosses at designated crosswalks, limiting their interactions with cars.

Hopefully, Illinois will be able to celebrate an incident-free Halloween today. However, if you find yourself the victim of a pedestrian accident or a car collision today, know that you may be able to seek relief for your damages and that a personal injury attorney can help you understand what legal options you may possess.

Prior Blog Entry:

The Rights of Uber Car Passengers Involved in Chicago-area Accidents, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published October 26, 2016.

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