
Construction Worker Killed on Chicago’s South Side

While working at a site repaving a portion of the street, a 48-year-old construction worker was killed on Thursday after being pinned under a piece of equipment. Local authorities report that the man was at a site in Englewood in the 6200 block of South May when something went wrong, trapping the man under equipment.

At this time it is not clear exactly what type of equipment trapped the man but witnesses have confirmed that other construction workers were aware of the incident and rushed to the man’s side, attempting to remove the equipment and extract the man. Eventually the victim was freed by several crews but his injuries were severe and he was pronounced dead while still at the scene.

One coworker reported that the victim had over 20 years of experience working in road construction and that no one is clear exactly why the man became trapped. At this time, authorities report that they are continuing an investigation into the incident and into the man’s death.

Thousands of work injuries involving Illinois employees happen every month and in every work environment. From an office setting to a warehouse floor, an employee can be hurt on the job regardless of what that employee’s responsibilities are. Yet some employees are at a greater risk of serious injury and death than others and top among these categories are employees who work in construction.

There are many inherent dangers in a construction zone and they can vary between sites. Most construction sites involve some heavy machinery and some ground alteration, meaning that large equipment is often present as are large holes in the ground. Often, construction workers are injured in accidents with machinery or by falling into an improperly marked excavated area. When this happens, another employee’s negligence is often to blame.

Some workplace injuries are minor and allow an employee to return to his or her job after receiving medical treatment, but unfortunately many injuries are severe or fatal, as the injury in this case was. When a work injury prevents an employee from returning to work, any claim brought against the company by the employee may include a claim for future lost wages from that job.



If you or your loved one has been injured while working, you should know that you have rights and that you may be able to make a financial recovery for your damages. This can be done through a claim against your employer and it may allow you to recover for your time off work and any injuries you sustained. Additionally, even if an accident was your fault, Illinois law provides that you are still entitled to receive necessary medical treatment after a work injury and that your employer must pay for any needed medical bills your incur.

Often, after an accident, a company makes it difficult for an employee to successfully bring a claim for his or her injuries. With a complicated system and a lot at stake, it is a good idea to speak with a personal injury attorney regarding your options after an accident. At Abels & Annes, P.C., we are work injury lawyers with experience representing accident victims who were hurt at work. We understand how devastating an injury can be and that is why we make ourselves available 24 hours a day, every day, to provide you with a free telephone consultation. We have a lawyer standing by at (312) 924-7575 or toll free at (855) 529-2442 so call us today and let us help you on the path towards recovery.

Prior Blog Entries:

Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Receive Award 10 Times Larger Than Insurance Offer Through Arbitration, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published September 12, 2013.

Semi Truck Driver Killed in Rollover Crash, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published September 11, 2013.


Construction Worker Dies After Being Pinned Under Equipment, CBS Chicago, published September 12, 2013.

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