
Chicago injury attorneys settle hit-and-run car accident claim for $100,000

Chicago car crash lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. have reached a policy limits $100,000 settlement for a woman that sustained injuries in an Illinois hit-and-run accident. The automobile collision which took place on October 4, 2009 at approximately 2:40 a.m. The plaintiff riding as a passenger in a vehicle being driven by a friend.

The vehicle had been heading northbound on Wood Street near its intersection with 31st Street in Chicago, Illinois. When they reached the intersection the driver stopped for the stop sign. He then began to make a left turn to proceed westbound on 31st St. Another vehicle heading westbound on 31st St. failed to stop for his stop sign and struck the passenger side of Jason’s vehicle, right where our client was sitting. After the other vehicle came to a rest the hit-and-run driver exited his vehicle and fled the scene of the collision on foot.

The hit-and-run driver failed to stop for a stop sign, failed to keep a proper lookout, was driving at an excessive rate of speed, and failed to exercise due care for the safety of those in the area, including the claimant.

The plaintiff had an immediate onset of left ear pain and neck pain along with abrasions and bleeding to her left ear. She was transported from the scene of the collision by ambulance to the emergency department at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center.

Upon her arrival at the ER her most significant complaints were of head pain and bleeding from her ear. A history was taken, she was examined and diagnostic testing was performed. Diagnostic testing revealed that our client had suffered a depressed left temporal bone fracture along with left hemotympanum. Due to the severity of this condition she was admitted as an in-patient.

By the next morning our client continued to complain of head pain along with pain upon opening her mouth, pain in all of her teeth and some hearing difficulty in her left ear.

Follow up testing showed that the complex left temporal bone fracture caused a subluxation of the malleoincudal articulation. Additionally, the fracture line extended through the region of the greater petrosal nerve as well as a discontinuity within the tympanic segment of the facial nerve canal.

She was discharged the day following the collision with instructions to seek follow up care for her conditions.

Within a week she returned to the emergency department with left sided facial paralysis, inability to close her left eye with excessive eye tearing, difficulty flaring her nostrils, muscle cramping and weakness when she attempts to smile, and continued hearing loss with some tinnitus. An examination was conducted which revealed that she suffered from facial asymmetry with left sided facial paralysis. She was rated on the House-Brackmann scale of facial paralysis as a 4-6/6, which is from moderately severe to total. Blood was also found in her left ear canal. She was diagnosed with a temporal bone fracture, facial paralysis and hearing loss. She was given prescriptions for prednisone and celluvisc and instructed to tape her eye shut at night. An MRI was ordered and she was instructed to follow up for close monitoring.

The MRI revealed the displaced left temporal bone fracture, extending into the mastoid air cells which were partially fluid filled. The temporal CT was reviewed which showed subluxation of the malleolus and incus as well as air adjacent to the geniculate ganglia, showing injury in that area, and disruption of the tympanic segment of the facial nerve canal.

The plaintiff followed up regularly with the ENT as instructed. She had continued facial weakness and asymmetry with movement and hearing loss. Due to her ongoing problems she was referred to see a specialist at the Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery.

Over the next few months Donna continued to treat and follow up with her doctors. Her condition improved but did not completely resolve. Most significantly she continued to suffer some hearing loss and facial pain.

The accident lawyers at Abels & Annes were able to collect the driver’s insurance policy limits of $100,000 on a hit and run, uninsured motorist claim, plus over $20,000 under medical payment provisions of the policy. Allstate Insurance paid on the claim.

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