
Chicago, Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers Reach Premises Liability Settlement With CHA

In Chicago, Illinois personal injury attorneys from David Abels & Associates, P.C., working with the Lake County firm of Trobe & Babowice reached a premises liability settlement for $275,000 with the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA). The plaintiff, a minor, was riding in a stroller and was pushed by another child into a negligently designed lock box that was on the door of a vacant CHA apartment. The actual lock box at issure is pictured below. The child sustained severe eye injuries. The building was being managed by an agent of the CHA, William Green Homes at the time of the occurrence. The lock box was defective in design in that it was a large metal box that protruded approximately 8 inches from the door into the hall. Most lock boxes are much smaller and flush against a door. The lock was especially dangerous in a CHA building where kids play in the hallways.

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