
Chicago bike accident lawyer to work on case for Sugar Grove man

Illinois injury attorneys from Abels and Annes have agreed to handle a case for man was injured in a Chicago area bicycle crash. The Illinois car versus bicycle accident took place in the western suburb of Sugar Grove in mid-October, 2010.

The bicyclist was riding on Wheatfield Avenue when a motorist failed to observe him and struck the bicycle’s handlebars with his side view mirror, causing the bike rider to crash and land hard on his left shoulder.

Over the next several days our client started experiencing consistent pain and a large bump on his left shoulder. He finally went to the emergency room at Provena Mercy Medical Center in Aurora, Illinois. At the ER, he was examined by emergency room doctors and x-rays were taken. The x-rays showed the bicyclist had sustained a separated shoulder in the accident. The hospital physicians referred our client to an orthopedic specialist for further treatment.

A separated shoulder (also known as a acromioclavicular separation) can be a partial or complete separation of the collarbone (clavicle) and the shoulder blade (acromion). The two parts of the shoulder are connected by the acromioclavicular (AC) and the coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments.

Click here to read more about shoulder injuries.

Contact the bicycle accident lawyers at Abels & Annes if you’ve been injured in a Chicago area accident. Our consultations are free and there is no attorney’s fee unless we recover for you. Call (312) 475-9596 speak directly to an attorney.

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