
ALL cell phone use increases risk of Chicago car accident; contest urges Illinois teens to spread the word

Spring is a particularly deadly time for Illinois traffic accidents involving teenagers as prom, spring break and graduation follow one after the other. In order to combat the dangers, a number of safety organizations are sponsoring safe-driving contests and other events aimed at warning teenagers about the dangers of distracted driving, speeding and drunk driving.

Recently, our Chicago car accident lawyers reported that Ford was expanding its teen driving safety program, which began in Chicago.Now the Itasca, Illinois-based National Safety Council is raising awareness through its “On the Road, Off the Phone” PSA contest. Sponsored by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the contest is seeking entries of less than 3 minutes, which discuss the dangers of cell phone use by drivers.

“Goodyear is a strong advocate of safety, particularly on the road. We expect our associates to set good examples, and that includes how cell devices are used while driving,” said Rich Kramer, CEO, president & chairman of Goodyear. “By sponsoring the On the Road, Off the Phone PSA Contest, Goodyear is taking our responsibility a step further and encouraging all drivers around the country to think about safety and put down their cell phones while driving.”

Official contest rules are available here. Contestants are encouraged to use the organization’s white paper on distracted driving. As we reported last June on our Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Blog, the organization’s research contends hands-free cell phones may be no safer than hand-held devices.

The contest is designed to put the emphasis on all cell-phone use by drivers, not just text messaging. While only about 1 percent of drivers are manipulating a hand-held device at any given time, about 10 percent are talking on the phone while driving. The NSC also reports that texting is involved in only about 2 percent of all crashes, while talking on the phone has been linked to 21 percent of crashes.

If you or a family member has been involved in a Chicago car accident, contact an Illinois injury lawyer Abels & Annes for a free case evaluation to discuss your rights. Call (866) 99-ABELS. There is no fee unless you win.

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